Considerations for Taking Your MVNO to Market

This 4-page document from Sprint Wholesale, is a very good start for any entrepreneur or investor looking to introduce into MVNO business. It's obviously centered in US market and for future branded resellers of Sprint, but these considerations are also suitable for any other country:
These last months have been really intense and interesting, as I've had the chance to analyze several projects to start an MVNO from scratch (mostly in Spain and Florida). In the end, it's very clear that funding is a must for any new MVNO project, but there are so many other factors to take into consideration that it's extremely important to be sure that all technical, regulatory and market issues are properly managed by your team.
So, first of all, ask yourself these questions:
  • Do you already have any experience managing retail customers?
  • Will you be providing voice-only or voice+data mobile services? Do you really need 4G/LTE?
  • Are you thinking of an ethnic-market approach? What about residential and enterprise market?
  • Do you expect to be an MVNO without any fixed voice/broadband offer to your subscribers?
  • Do you really have a solid market differentiation?
  • Is your current IT infrastructure ready to manage an MVNO business?
About: Jose E. Puente holds a Master degree in Telecommunications Engineering from University of Vigo (Spain). Having worked in the full technical deployment of one of the first new entrants (VODAFONE ESPAÑA, formerly Comunitel Global) once telecom market was liberalized in Spain in 1998, as Key Account Manager at the telecom subsidiary of IBERDROLA, and as Wholesale Business Director at OCEAN'S NETWORK (leading the strategy and transition from being a branded reseller of MOVISTAR to becoming a real MVNO over ORANGE network), Jose E. Puente is currently BDM at NUBIBOX (a cloud communications services company) and also a telecom entrepreneur, market analyst, independent consultant and advisor, specialized in telecommunications technologies, policies and regulations for several companies in Europe and USA.
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