My last week posts on Linkedin (Oct 16 - Oct 22, 2017)

Gates Foundation launches Blockchain-based mobile payments solution (MOJALOOP, employing the Interledger technology developed by RIPPLE)

Ethereum founder (Vitalik Buterin): "Central banks are a long way from digital currency"

La CNMC propone cambios en los 118XX para minimizar el fraude asociado a esta numeración en España

Apple ordered to pay "Patent Troll" $440m, for infringing patents with FaceTime and other VoIP services

“La estrategia de Bitcoin más allá de las criptomonedas”, artículo de Alex Preukschat sobre Sidechains, Lightning Network, Rootstock, Mimblewimble y Colored Coins

Alastria consortium: Spain’s biggest companies are charging into this Blockchain ecosystem (Banco Santander, BBVA, Gas Natural Fenosa, Repsol, ...) “The Alastria network will provide a shared platform on which the various participants, and in particular large companies, will be able to create digital representations of the assets with which they work in their usual economic activity, also known as “tokens”. With these “tokens” it is possible to develop new products and innovative cutting services, in addition to being able to develop current processes faster, safer and more efficiently”

Mapping the Blockchain project ecosystem

How I cornered the Bitcoin mining market using a Quantum computer (theoretically!)

The battle against T-Mobile that could have sunk Virgin Group but ended in a £500 million windfall, by Richard Branson

Bruselas expedienta a la CNMC por no analizar el mercado de telecomunicaciones en los últimos cinco años

Ethereum executes Blockchain hard fork to Byzantium. As Byzantium was a planned fork with minimally contentious changes, there's been very little disagreement among the community about the merits of the code changes executed.


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