My last week posts on Linkedin (Sep 25 - Oct 1, 2017)

Swiss telecom giant launches a Blockchain subsidiary: "Swisscom Blockchain AG"

Telecom giant KDDI joins "Enterprise Ethereum Alliance"

The growing list of applications and use cases of blockchain technology in business & life

Chile regulator mulls rules to boost MVNO market, opening a public consultation into plans to increase competition in the country by forcing operators to offer more favourable terms to MVNOs.

Fidelity CEO Abigail Johnson says the company is mining cryptocurrencies

Africa: 314 active Startup accelerators in 93 cities in 42 countries

CallDesk raises $2.5 million for its AI agent for customer support calls

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin co-authors plan for interactive ICO protocol, which would seek to produce an equilibrium between capped and uncapped token sales

Blockchain tops $4.5 Billion in private funding this year, but deal growth stalls

How Blockchain and ICOs are changing the funding game for startups, according to @WSJ

La CNMC abre expediente sancionador a MásMóvil y República Móvil por posibles infracciones de la normativa en materia de portabilidad móvil

AXA is using Ethereum's Blockchain for a new flight insurance product, triggering the payment to the client once the two-hour mark is passed


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Blockchain & Telecom: a cool opportunity!

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My last week posts on Linkedin (Oct 16 - Oct 22, 2017)